Youth Exchange in the Czech Republic between 16. – 23. July 2007

Blind Friendly zobrazení
Grafické zobrazení

Spoluúčast - LOTYŠSKO


Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Handicapped (LASS)
  • In 1991, the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Handicapped joined the European Blind Union

  • In 1992, the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Handicapped became the full and equal member of the World Blind Union. Since then, the International White Cane Day on October 15th has been marked in Lithuania every year

  • In 1996, the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Handicapped celebrated its 70 year anniversary

  • In 1998, the 70 year anniversary of education of the blind in Lithuania was marked

Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Handicapped
Lietuvos aklřjř ir silpnaregiř sŕjunga (LASS)
Labdariř 7/11, Vilnius 01120
Tel.: (+370 5) 2624866
Tel/fax: (+370 5) 2121464
Chairman Osvaldas Petrauskas
The organisation was founded in 1926

Organisational Structure

LASS itself covers 57 primary organisations, belonging to 5 district organisations (Kaunas & Marijampolë, Klaipëda & Telđiai, Panevëţys & Utena, Điauliai & Tauragë, Vilnius & Alytus).

Each regional LASS centre has its own LASS district council, an enterprise (two enterprises in Vilnius), a cultural centre (club-house in Panevëţys), and a branch of the Lithuanian Library for the Blind (LAB). Since 1992, LAB has been under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.

The Central Council of LASS, the Lithuanian Chorus of the Blind "Vilnius" and LASS Magazine "Műsř ţodis" are situated in Vilnius.


  • Putting into practice the rights of the blind and visually impaired to work, living, education and cultural services, as declared by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania

  • Protection of the blind and visually impaired people from exploitation, discrimination, and humiliation

  • Introduction of the objectives, tasks and results of the LASS's activities to the general public



  • Unites people with visual disability

  • Cooperates with governmental institutions, seeks for adoption of normative acts favourable to people with visual disability

  • Assists the Government eliminating problems of the visually disabled. Prepares and implements programmes in such fields as rehabilitation, upbringing, occupational training and employment, adapted technology provision, health education, etc.

  • Aims to achieve the true integration of the blind and visually impaired into the open society

  • Seeks to adapt surroundings for people with visual disability

  • Publishes various publications for visually disabled people, cares for proper library services for them, and informs the general public

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